For the fourth year in a row, all four of our YHG Foyers have achieved top grades in the national accreditation.

The Foyer Federation carries out annual reviews of their 66 Foyer members, and of the nine across the country who received the best possible result this time, four were ours!

Verve Place in Warrington, Bridge Foyer in Chester, Ravenhead Foyer in St Helens, and Coops Foyer in Wigan have all been assessed as being both Operationally Strong and Strategically Strong.

Martin Wright, who heads up Supported Housing, said: “This accreditation is a fantastic achievement by the teams across our Foyers. In Foyers we provide a caring home, a holistic development plan and a nurturing and respectful community for young people.” 

The assessment was made by a panel from FOR Youth; The Foyer Federation's nationally recognised quality development programme, who look at things such as housing, learning and education, work opportunities, health, social skills, and personal development, and progress was made in all areas.

In housing;

  • Coops increased 26% to 92.3%
  • Ravenhead increased 11% to 88.5%
  • Bridge increased 5% to 94%
  • And, Verve increased 4% securing a perfect 100%!

Other notable scores saw the social skills continuing to thrive at all Foyers, maintaining a perfect 100%.

(Foyer residents seen here at their bi-annual celebration, The Glactic Awards)

The assessors' feedback highlighted that YHG Foyers continue to maintain a high standard in all their services... with the consistently strong leadership...and high standards to push them forward’.

The assessors’ report also credited the Advantaged Thinking culture and the Youth Ambassador programme as a pivotal focus for YHG Foyers.

CEO Jacque Allen, added: “Your Housing Group is committed to supporting the incredible work that goes on across the four Foyers. They really make a significant difference in the lives of the young people, and this accreditation gives national recognition to the passion and dedication that Martin and his team deliver every day. Well done.”