Happy family smiling in new home

If you’re a homeowner with us, please check out the information below for useful tips and advice.

Staircasing, selling and subletting

If you are a home owner through shared ownership, that means you own a portion of your home (usually through a mortgage), and we own the other portion which you pay rent on. You can buy more shares (or a bigger portion) of your home through a process called ‘staircasing’, right up to the point of owning 100% of your home, whether that’s outright, or through a mortgage.

Check out our ‘Shared ownership: selling, staircasing, and subletting’ page below to find how you can buy more shares of your home through shared ownership. 

We also have information regarding selling your shared ownership home or rules regarding subletting.

Maintaining your new home

Keeping your property well maintained helps to make sure your home remains safe and comfortable for years to come.

Check out our ‘Maintenance of your new home’ page for tips and advice on ways you can take care of your property.

Home improvements

If you are planning on making any changes to your home check out the 'Home improvements' section to see what you need to make us aware of before starting any work.


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Shared ownership: selling, staircasing, and subletting

Information for customers who bought their home through shared ownership.
Home Maintenance 1

Maintenance of your new home

Our maintenance how to videos provide home owners with easy-to-follow instructions for maintaining your property.
Your Repairs Female Drill Landing Page

Home improvements

From installing a new boiler to adding an extension, here’s some advice on how to make improvements to your home.