In England, your council must help if you’re legally homeless or will become homeless within the next 8 weeks.
You may be legally homeless if:
- you’ve no legal right to live in accommodation anywhere in the world
- you cannot get into your home, for example your landlord has locked you out
- it’s not reasonable to stay in your home, for example you’re at risk of violence or abuse
- you’re forced to live apart from your family or people you normally live with because there’s no suitable accommodation for you
- you’re living in very poor conditions such as overcrowding
Find contact details for your local council below to get help and advice.

Springboard Partnership
We are part of the Springboard Partnership, which provides temporary accommodation and support for people in Wigan, who are close to becoming homeless.
Phone: 0300 123 5017
Email: [email protected]
Services offered:
Assessment of entitlement to housing for people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. Housing provided for people considered in priority need of housing. Temporary accommodation may be available while enquiries are made about eligibility. Also offer general housing advice and information for private and council tenants and homeless people.
Out of hours emergencies phone 0300 123 5025.
Phone: 0300 123 2442
Email: [email protected]
Services offered:
Assessment of priority need under the Housing Act. Can provide temporary accommodation for those assessed as in priority need - those with children or pregnant, vulnerable because of age (60+), disability or at risk from violence. General housing advice and information to private and council tenants, and homeless people.
Phone: 0800 731 6844,
Careline: 0151 233 3800
Services offered:
Homelessness prevention and assessment service. Advice and information for people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness on finding accommodation, prevention work including mediation, negotiation with landlords, rent deposit scheme. Assessment of priority need under the Housing Act. Service available through the Council's One Stop Shops. Telephone service 24 hours a day.
Phone: 0161 234 4692
Email: [email protected]
Services offered:
Assessment of entitlement to housing for people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. Housing provided for people considered in priority need of housing. Temporary accommodation may be available while enquiries are made about eligibility.
Out of hours service operates after 4.30pm seven days a week on 0161 234 5001.
Phone: 01772 906014
Services offered:
Assessment of entitlement to housing for people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. Housing provided for people considered in priority need. Referrals to statutory and voluntary sector temporary accommodation projects. Assistance with dealing with private sector landlord/tenant disputes. General housing advice.
Phone: 0345 605 3012
Email: [email protected]
Services offered:
Assessment of priority need under the Housing Act. Can provide temporary accommodation for those assessed as in priority need - those with children or pregnant, vulnerable because of age (60+), disability or at risk from violence. Also offers full housing options service to anyone experiencing accommodation difficulties to prevent homelessness.
Out of hours emergencies phone 0345 605 3012.
Phone: 01744 675150
Email: [email protected]
Services offered:
Assessment of entitlement to housing for people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. Provision of housing for people considered in priority need of housing. Temporary accommodation may be available while enquiries are made about eligibility. General housing advice and information for private and council tenants and homeless people.
Phone: 0161 217 6016
Email: [email protected]
Services offered:
Assessment of entitlement to housing for people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. Housing provided for people considered in priority need of housing. Temporary accommodation may be available while enquiries are made about eligibility. General housing advice and information for private and council tenants and homeless people.
Phone: 0161 912 2230
Email: [email protected]
Services offered:
Advice on housing and assistance if you are homeless or at risk of losing your home. Homelessness assessments and provision of emergency and temporary accommodation for those under the A Bed Every Night Scheme and those in priority need. Tenancy support and referrals to other support services, assistance to secure private rented housing, and advice on social housing via Trafford HomeChoice.
Phone: 01942 487717
Services offered:
Prevention of homelessness, housing options advice and assessment of entitlement to housing for people who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. General housing advice and information. Access to Wigan Housing Solutions bond guarantee scheme for help with accessing private rented accommodation.
Out of hours emergencies phone 01942 828777.