..."we do care about you, and respect each and every one of you, and will always do our very best for you, and keep learning."
Chapter 1
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy
Within our new strategy, we will continue to tailor our services to meet the diverse needs of our residents which includes making reasonable adjustments too. This includes:
Asking you for additional information when you move in with us, so we can fully understand your personal needs
Updating our translation and interpretation offer in both spoken and written communication
Building our Tenancy Support Team who support residents that may need a helping hand to live independently
Offering different ways for communities to talk to us, such as our offering multi-language forums for our Cantonese-speaking residents
The Balance for Better group will look at what we do, when we do it and how we do it and the impact that will have, both with our colleagues and residents. One of things we have introduced is a dedicated 'go-to' person for each of the nine protected characteristics.